Letting someone in sometimes means abandoning the walls you've spent your whole life building.
Life will throw you some ups and downs, so live for the ups and learn from your downs.
Go ahead, text him first - he might be checking his phone, waiting for you. Stare into the eyes of the guy you like - memorize the color. Turn on your iPod and run as far as you can. Say hi to a stranger - you never know what they'll become for you. Have a mental health day - you know you need it. Don't go on facebook for a day and see what you can accomplish. Give money to a charity, your good karma will come around eventually. Sneak out, you might get caught, but it'll be 100% worth it. Tell that one person that you like them, what's the worst that can happen? He doesn't like you back? Then he doesn't deserve you anyways, right? Treat yourself to something indulgent, you deserve it. Smile at a stranger, it could make their day. Wink, it's sexy and makes you feel confident. After all, you are pretty hot. Go for somebody who is totally wrong for you, they may not be totally wrong after all. Stand up for yourself, because if you don't, who will. Moral of the story is, you only fucking live once.
Okay heart. Here’s the thing, you’ll have to catch up later cause I’m moving on.
He's a boy who doesn't know anything about kissing. That's a man's business.
I love you but I love me more.
Varför går alltid de lediga dagarna så snabbt?! Imorgon är det dags för praktik igen med andra ord ska jag gå upp 04.30 och släpa min trötta kropp till Karlshamn:p Jobbar som tur är kväll på lördag vilket är rätt skönt för det betyder sovmorgon;) blir nog till att sova över på lördagen då jag börjar tidigt på söndag:(
Sist men inte minst så håller vi tummarna för alla som skriver nationella sjukskötersketentan imorgon!:) håller tummar och tår för er!
Stronger than before
And then I turned seven
Love can fade, can break away.
Can be forgotten but not replaced
- Nationella tentan
- Bedside
- Examensarbete
- Slutpraktik